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it's all to the good

  • 121 keep

    [kiːp] past tense, past participle kept [kept]
    1. verb
    1) to have for a very long or indefinite period of time:

    He gave me the picture to keep.

    يُحافِظ على، يَحْفَظ
    2) not to give or throw away; to preserve:

    Can you keep a secret?

    يَحْتَفِظ ب
    3) to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position:

    How do you keep cool in this heat?

    Will you keep me informed of what happens?

    يُبْقي، يَبْقى
    4) to go on (performing or repeating a certain action):

    He kept walking.

    5) to have in store:

    I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.

    يَحْتَفِظ ب
    6) to look after or care for:

    I think they keep hens.

    يَعْتَني ب
    7) to remain in good condition:

    That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.

    يَبْقى في حالةٍ جيِّدَه
    8) to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc):

    He kept the accounts for the club.

    يَحْتَفِظ ب، يُسَجِّل
    9) to hold back or delay:

    Sorry to keep you.

    10) to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone):

    He has a wife and child to keep.

    11) to act in the way demanded by:

    She kept her promise.

    يَفي بالوَعْد
    12) to celebrate:

    to keep Christmas.

    2. noun
    food and lodging:

    Our cat really earns her keep – she kills all the mice in the house.

    قوت، إعالَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > keep

  • 122 أول

    أَوَّل \ early: near the beginning: The early part of his life was spent in Khartoum. first: before all others, in time or in order: The first day of the year is January 1st. He was first on the list. former: adj. (attrib.); pron. (compared with latter) the first (of two) to be named: Michael and Martin are brothers. The former (Michael) can swim, but the latter (Martin) cannot. initial: first; at the beginning: The initial letter of the word ‘start’ is ‘s’. My initial attempt to swim across the river ended in failure. \ أَوَّل الأَمْرِ \ beginning: to start; first part: He made a good beginning in his new job. outset: start: He knew from the outset that he would fail.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أول

  • 123 روح

    رُوح \ essence: the central or most important quality of sth., by which it can be recognized; the best part of a substance when taken out: The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men. That perfume is the essence of roses. \ بِلا رُوح \ lifeless: having no life; dull; without expression or interest: The bad actor gave a lifeless performance. \ رُوح \ ghost: a dead person’s spirit that appears to a living person. life: the signs of not being dead; activity; movement; expression: Put more life into your acting, sb.’s existence as a living person Many lives were lost in the war. soul: a person’s spirit, which is thought not to die with his body. spirit: a feeling that controls one’s behaviour: If you play a game in the right spirit, winning or losing does not really matter. \ See Also طيف (طَيْف)، شبح (شَبَح)، نشاط( نشاطحيوية (حيويّة)، نفس( نفس)‏ \ رُوحٌ رِيَاضِيَّة \ sportsmanship: sporting qualities; fairness; obeying the rules; generosity. \ الرُّوح القُدُس \ Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit: (among Christians) the spirit of God that is always present but never seen. ghost, the Holy Ghost: (among Christians) the spirit of God that is always present but never seen. \ الرُّوح المَعْنَوِيَّة \ morale: the state of mind that controls one’s supply of courage; spirits: After losing three matches, our team’s morale was low. \ رُوح المُغامَرَة \ enterprise: the qualities needed for such a plan; the bold use of good brains.

    Arabic-English dictionary > روح

  • 124 مجموعة

    مَجْمُوعَة \ body: a group of people, united in some way: a small body of helpers.. bunch: a group of things of the same kind, growing or placed together: a bunch of keys. category: a group or division in which each member is like the rest in a certain way; a kind or sort: Fishing may be placed in the category of sport, or in that of earning a living, according to its purpose. cluster: a group of people gathered close together. collection: things collected: His friend has a collection of ancient coins. crew: a group of people working together, doing certain jobs: a repair crew. group: a number of people or things, gathered together or considered together: They stood in a group under the tree. He controls a group of companies. set: a group of things that look like one another or are used together: a coffee set (coffee pot and cups, etc., of the same pattern); a set of rules. \ See Also جمهور (جُمهور)، طقم (طَقْم)‏ \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء مُخْتَلِطة \ jumble: a confused mixture: a jumble of sounds. \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء من صِنف واحِد \ line: a kind or class of goods: We sell a cheap line in brushes. \ مَجْمُوعَة الأَغاني \ repertoire: all the songs or pieces of music that a singer or musician can perform. \ See Also القِطَع المُوسيقيّة \ مَجْمُوعَة أوراق اللَّعب ذات النَّقْش الوَاحِد \ suit: one of the four patterns in a set of playing cards (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades). \ مَجْمُوعَة دَرَج \ flight: a set of stairs: His room was up three flights of stairs. step: pl. usu. outside a building, compared with stairs in a building) a set of these: He ran down the steps into the street. \ مَجْمُوعَة رموز سِرّيّة \ code: a special way of using words, letters, numbers, etc. instead of writing, to keep messages secret. \ مَجْمُوعَة سَكَنِيّة متكامِلة \ housing estate: a large group of houses that are built together at one time, often with their own shops, like a small new town. \ مَجْمُوعَة قوانين \ code: a special collection of laws, rules, or customs: an established code of behaviour; Christianity’s moral code. \ مَجْمُوعَة كاملة من وَرَق اللّعب \ pack: a set of playing cards. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسَة \ colony: a group of people or animals of the same kind, living together: a colony of artists; a colony of ants; a colony of Americans in Rome. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسة من الطّلاب يدرسون مَعًا (في المدارس)‏ \ stream: (in schools) a division of children of the same age according to their ability. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُتَرابِطَة \ complex: sth. (esp. a building) made up of many different but related parts: a factory complex. \ مَجْمُوعَة المُفردات ومعانِيها (في آخر كتاب)‏ \ vocabulary: a list of words with their meanings (at the end of a school book; in a student’s notebook). \ مَجْمُوعَة مَقالات \ omnibus: a large book that contains various works of one writer (or of several writers, on related subjects): an omnibus of murder stories. \ مَجْمُوعَة من ورق الرسائِل \ pad: a block of writing-paper, in which the sheets are stuck together at one end. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُنَوّعَة \ assortment: an assorted collection: Our new shop has a large assortment of kitchen goods. choice: a variety from which to choose: The shop had a good choice of shoes. range: a variety (between limits that may not be stated): a wide range of colours (from light yellow to dark brown). \ مَجْمُوعَة نجوم ثابِتَة \ constellation: a group of fixed stars, often with a name, such as the Great Bear.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مجموعة

  • 125 هيئة

    هَيْئَة \ air: manner; appearance: The headmaster has an air of importance. appearance: look: We must not judge men by their appearance. aspect: look or appearance. attitude: a way of holding the body: a lazy attitude. bearing: a manner of holding one’s body or way of behaving: She had an upright, proud bearing. form: shape; appearance: the building was in the form of a letter H.. look: an appearance: I like the look of that book. looks: personal appearance; face: She has not yet lost her (good) looks although she is very old now. shape: appearance; a form: What shape is it? Round or square? Houses in different places have different shapes. \ See Also شكل (شَكْل)‏ \ هَيْئَة \ corporation: a body (of persons) appointed to govern a large town or a business (often of national interest): the Corporation of Bristol; the British Broadcasting Corporation. organization: an organized group of people: the United Nations Organization. \ See Also منظمة (مُنَظَّمَة)‏ \ هَيْئَة الإدارة \ management: (often with pl. verb) all those who control a business: a meeting between the management and the workers’ leaders. \ هَيْئَة الموظّفين \ staff: a regular team of workers: the teaching staff in a school; the kitchen staff in a hotel.

    Arabic-English dictionary > هيئة

  • 126 وجه

    وَجْه \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. face: the front of the head (including the eyes, nose and mouth), the front of other things (such as a cliff or a clock). side: (of a sheet) one of the two surfaces: Write on one side of the paper only, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.); a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side. surface: the outside of any object: A brick has six surfaces (a top, a bottom, two sides and two ends) Ice forms on the surface of a lake. \ See Also جانب (جانِب)‏ \ بِوَجْهٍ خاص \ especially: more than usually: He is especially good at English. \ وَجْهُ السَّاعة \ dial: the face of an instrument (clock, radio, etc.), marked with figures. \ وَجْهُ الشَّبَه \ resemblance: likeness: There’s little resemblance between the two sisters. \ وَجْهُ العُمْلة الذي تَظهر عليه الكتابة لا الصّورة \ tail: (pl. when an interj.) the side of a coin that does not show a ruler’s head. \ وَجْهًا لِوَجْه \ face to face: looking straight at each other: I met my enemy face to face.

    Arabic-English dictionary > وجه

  • 127 continue

    بَقِيَ (على حالِه)‏ \ keep: to remain in a certain state: Keep still! Keep out!. continue: to remain: I shall continue at college for another year. endure: to go on for a long time. last: to continue; fill a certain amount of time: The play lasted (for) two hours, remain in good condition; not be destroyed, worn out or used up; be enough for: Cheap shoes may look fine but they don’t last. $15 should last you for a week. linger: to stay near a place: He lingered all day outside her house in the hope of seeing her. persist: to continue to exist: The snow persists on the ground in spite of the hot sun. remain: to be left; not to have been spent (or destroyed, etc.): Little remained of the building after the explosion. Much remains to be done, stay; continue: I shall remain here till Tuesday. The boys remained silent. remain:: The decision rests with me (It remains my duty to decide). stay: to remain: Stay there till I call you. Children’s clothes never stay clean for long. \ See Also استمر (اِسْتَمَرَّ)، ظل (ظَلَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > continue

  • 128 endure

    بَقِيَ (على حالِه)‏ \ keep: to remain in a certain state: Keep still! Keep out!. continue: to remain: I shall continue at college for another year. endure: to go on for a long time. last: to continue; fill a certain amount of time: The play lasted (for) two hours, remain in good condition; not be destroyed, worn out or used up; be enough for: Cheap shoes may look fine but they don’t last. $15 should last you for a week. linger: to stay near a place: He lingered all day outside her house in the hope of seeing her. persist: to continue to exist: The snow persists on the ground in spite of the hot sun. remain: to be left; not to have been spent (or destroyed, etc.): Little remained of the building after the explosion. Much remains to be done, stay; continue: I shall remain here till Tuesday. The boys remained silent. remain:: The decision rests with me (It remains my duty to decide). stay: to remain: Stay there till I call you. Children’s clothes never stay clean for long. \ See Also استمر (اِسْتَمَرَّ)، ظل (ظَلَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > endure

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